.. currentmodule:: webexpythonsdk ============== WebexPythonSDK ============== *Simple, lightweight, scalable Python API wrapper for the Webex APIs* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to the docs! ``webexpythonsdk`` is a *community developed* Pythonic wrapping of the Webex APIs. The package represents all of the Cisco Webex API interactions via native Python tools. Making working with the Cisco Webex APIs in Python a *native* and *natural* experience. ``webexpythonsdk`` **helps you get things done faster.** We take care of the API semantics, and you can focus on writing your code. With ``webexpythonsdk``, you can easily: * Interact with the Webex APIs in an interactive Python session * Quickly create code that enables you get something done in Webex * Leverage the API wrapper to cleanly add Webex functionality to your project without having to write the boilerplate code for working with the Webex APIs To *dive in* and see how webexpythonsdk makes your life better, check out the :ref:`Quickstart`! The User Guide ============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installation user/migrate user/intro user/quickstart user/api user/cards The Development Community ========================= Interested in contributing to the project? Please review our community's Code of Conduct and then check out the Contributing page for info to help you get started. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 code_of_conduct contributing General Information about the Webex Service ================================================= What is Webex? -------------- "Webex is where all your work lives. Bring your together in a place that makes it easy to keep people and work connected." Visit the official `Webex`_ website for more information and to create a `free account`_! Webex for Developers -------------------- Leveraging the Webex APIs and developing on top of the Webex cloud is easy. Sign-up for a `free account`_ and then head over to the `Webex for Developers`_ website to learn more. *Copyright (c) 2016-2024 Cisco and/or its affiliates.* .. _free account: `Webex` .. _Webex: https://www.webex.com/ .. _Webex for Developers: https://developer.webex.com/ .. _contribution: https://github.com/WebexCommunity/WebexPythonSDK#contribution .. _webexpythonsdk: https://github.com/WebexCommunity/WebexPythonSDK